La Rive Gauche du Charles

Un journal bilingue pseudonyme d'un technicien d'école dans le pays Massachusetts essayant d'érafler la rouille outre de son Français.

Peut-on mettre quelque-chose ici?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

First post!

(I'll post the French translation as soon as I have a little more time.)

I think a good beginning for this diary is to write about the protests have have been going on in America for the past week over upcoming legislation regarding illegal immigration. Marches have taken place in New York, Boston, Chicago, and in Los Angeles they have drawn hundreds of thousands into the streets. But a detail a French reader should note carefully is the relative lack of violence. Some high schoolers in Colorado threw fists at each other, but beyond that the marches have been completely peaceful, and purposely so. The marchers knew full well that any violence on their part would annihilate the general public's sympathy for their cause. (The marchers still managed to do some impressively counterproductive things, more on that later down.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Test. Plus &ccefil;a change, plus c'est le même chose.